OdooBot The Process Of Setting a Headstone One of the final processes of creating a memorable grave involves what is known as setting a headstone. Appreciating the steps involved as well as how long it could take to complete are two important ... 2 Mar 2021
OdooBot Grave Decoration Ideas for You to Consider Every memorial to a loved one should be able to exhibit its own unique sense of personality. This will often be based around the desires of the recently departed, as such a permanent testament can be ... 2 Mar 2021
OdooBot How are Headstones Made Every headstone should be considered a work of art. Designed at the behest of the bereaved and available in a wide array of configurations, the ultimate intention is to provide a heartfelt tribute to ... 2 Mar 2021
OdooBot What Materials are Memorials Normally Comprised Of? There is no doubt that dealing with the loss of a loved one can represent one of the most challenging situations in life. However, many of us derive a sense of comfort in knowing that they can be memo... 2 Mar 2021
Net 66 What Latin Phrases Are Commonly Put on Headstones Gravestones have existed in one form or another for millennia. While the inscriptions and languages will naturally vary, their main intention has remained the same. Headstones are a way to commemorate... 25 Feb 2021
Net 66 What Does Grave Maintenance Work Entail Cherishing the living memories of the dearly departed involves much more than may initially meet the eye. Maintaining the physical and aesthetic appearance of a grave is important due to the fact that... 25 Feb 2021
Net 66 Headstone Buying Guide: How to Choose the Perfect Headstone There is no doubt that dealing with the loss of a loved one can be emotionally challenging. Not only does such a situation represent a dramatic life event, but there are also a handful of logistics to... 25 Feb 2021
Net 66 Understanding Headstone Terminology Understanding headstones can be a little difficult, especially when the term has a lot of meanings. While most people think of it as a memorial or monumental space, it also has other terminologies you... 25 Feb 2021
Net 66 Graveyards in Ireland To Visit Are you an Irish history lover? The country boasts exquisite historic sceneries such as graveyards. While they may not be a favourite to many, these places provide heroes and heroines with a decent fi... 25 Feb 2021
Net 66 Headstone, Gravestone & Tombstone Differences Everything in this world comes to an end, even life itself. When one passes on, people can decide to bury or cremate their deceased loved one. When one is buried, there is a likelihood that a tombston... 25 Feb 2021
Net 66 The History Of St Fintans Cemetery in Dublin Fintan's Cemetery is a burial ground located in the Sutton are of Dublin on the south side of Carrickbrack Road. One Of Ireland's Most Famous Burial Grounds The cemetery is effectively divided into tw... 25 Feb 2021
Net 66 An Overview of The Most Common Headstone Engraving Methods Headstones are intended to provide a timeless visual memorial to those who have departed from this life. This is why engravings have been present since ancient times. Of course, the methods themselves... 25 Feb 2021