Memorial Verses
A thoughtful message, A tribute so tender,
Just to show, We will always remember.
Memorial verses can be used on Headstones, bases, plaques
and many other items as a tribute to your loved ones.
You can write your own, or maybe one of our examples
below will be that perfect tribute.

Thoughts today,
Memories forever.
Remembering you,
As time goes by.
Sadly missed,
Lovingly remembered.
Always in our thoughts,
Forever in our hearts.
Forever remembered,
Forever missed.
Love's greatest gift Mam
- remembrance.
Loved always,
Sadly missed.
A little tribute, small and tender,
Just to say we still remember.
The tears in my eyes I can wipe away,
The ache in my heart will always stay.
Suffer little children to come unto me.
Tenderly we treasure the past,
With memories that will always last.
As you were you will always be,
Treasured forever in our memory.
Mam holds her children's hands for awhile,
Their hearts forever.
Remembering you on this day,
Comforted by so many memories.
Though absent you are very near,
Still loved, still missed, and very dear.
In the hearts of those who loved you,
You will always be there.
A page in our book of memories,
Is gently turned today.
Dearer still as the years depart,
He lives forever in my heart.
Your beauty is missed in every way.
"Forever in our hearts."
Mam, we treasure still, with love sincere,
Beautiful memories of one so dear.
There is a link death cannot sever,
Love and remembrance last forever.
Silent memories true and tender,
Just to show we still remember.
The Lord watch between thee and me,
While we are absent one from the other.
You still live on in the hearts and minds,
Of the loving family you left behind.
A garden of beautiful memories,
Sprayed with a million tears.
Beautiful memories are treasured forever,
Of happy days when we were together.
Loved with a love beyond all feeling,
Missed with a grief beyond all tears.
His memory is as dear today,
As in the hour he passed away.
Memories are like threads of gold,
They never tarnish or grow old.
He laboured hard for those he loved,
Then left us to remember.
Wherever I go, whatever I do,
Memories keep me near to you.
I lost my best, my dearest friend,
Dear Mam when I lost you.
Gentle, unselfish, a friend ever true,
My best possession, Mother, was you.
While you, dear Mother, rest and sleep,
Your loving memory we'll always keep.
I keep in my heart the love of the past,
For there it was planted forever to last.
Together in the same old way,
Would be my dearest wish today.
Loved with a love beyond telling,
Missed with a grief beyond all tears.
Safe in the arms of Jesus,
Safe on His loving breast.
Sweet little flower of heavenly birth,
She was too fair to bloom on earth.
No length of time can take away
My thoughts of you today.
Thoughts today,
Memories forever.
Remembering you,
As time goes by.
Sadly missed,
Lovingly remembered.
Always in our thoughts,
Forever in our hearts.
Forever remembered,
Forever missed.
Love's greatest gift Mam
- remembrance.
Loved always,
Sadly missed.
A little tribute, small and tender,
Just to say we still remember.
The tears in my eyes I can wipe away,
The ache in my heart will always stay.
Suffer little children to come unto me.
Tenderly we treasure the past,
With memories that will always last.
As you were you will always be,
Treasured forever in our memory.
Mam holds her children's hands for awhile,
Their hearts forever.
Remembering you on this day,
Comforted by so many memories.
Though absent you are very near,
Still loved, still missed, and very dear.
In the hearts of those who loved you,
You will always be there.
A page in our book of memories,
Is gently turned today.
Dearer still as the years depart,
He lives forever in my heart.
Your beauty is missed in every way.
"Forever in our hearts."
Mam, we treasure still, with love sincere,
Beautiful memories of one so dear.
There is a link death cannot sever,
Love and remembrance last forever.
Silent memories true and tender,
Just to show we still remember.
The Lord watch between thee and me,
While we are absent one from the other.
You still live on in the hearts and minds,
Of the loving family you left behind.
A garden of beautiful memories,
Sprayed with a million tears.
Beautiful memories are treasured forever,
Of happy days when we were together.
Loved with a love beyond all feeling,
Missed with a grief beyond all tears.
His memory is as dear today,
As in the hour he passed away.
Memories are like threads of gold,
They never tarnish or grow old.
He laboured hard for those he loved,
Then left us to remember.
Wherever I go, whatever I do,
Memories keep me near to you.
I lost my best, my dearest friend,
Dear Mam when I lost you.
Gentle, unselfish, a friend ever true,
My best possession, Mother, was you.
While you, dear Mother, rest and sleep,
Your loving memory we'll always keep.
I keep in my heart the love of the past,
For there it was planted forever to last.
Together in the same old way,
Would be my dearest wish today.
Loved with a love beyond telling,
Missed with a grief beyond all tears.
Safe in the arms of Jesus,
Safe on His loving breast.
Sweet little flower of heavenly birth,
She was too fair to bloom on earth.
No length of time can take away
My thoughts of you today.
If we could only speak to her,
And hold her loving hand,
No matter what we said or did,
I know she'd understand.
Sadly missed along life's way,
Quietly remembered every day,
No longer in our life to share,
But in our hearts he's always there.
Memory is a lovely lane,
Where hearts are ever true,
A lane I so often travel down,
Because it leads to you.
Your presence I miss,
Your memory I treasure,
Loving you always,
Forgetting you never.
I sit and wonder every day,
Why the Lord chose to call you away,
I think He saw you needed rest,
He only takes the very best.
Everyday in some small way,
Memories of you come our way,
Though absent, you are always near,
Still missed, loved, always dear.
A sadness still comes over us,
Tears in silence often flow,
Memory keeps you ever near us,
Though you died one year ago.
Resting where no shadows fall,
In peaceful sleep he awaits us all;
God will link the broken chain,
When one by one we meet again.
I heard an angel cry - when I died -
The stillness in the room,
Was like the stillness in the air,
Between heaven and earth.
We who love you, sadly miss you,
As it dawns another year,
In our lonely hours of thinking,
Thoughts of you are ever near.
Loving you is easy,
We do it every day,
Missing you is a heartache,
That never goes away.
His charming ways and smiling face,
Are a pleasure to recall,
He had a kindly word for each,
And died beloved by all.
Loving memories of one so dear,
Treasured still with a love sincere,
In our hearts she is living yet,
We loved her too dearly to forget.
A part of my heart he took with him,
But his love he left me to keep,
So we will never really be parted,
The bond between us is too deep.
It's just a little,
But means a lot,
To say dear friend,
I haven't forgot.
Always a smile, instead of a frown,
Always a hand, when one is down,
Always true, thoughtful and kind,
Wonderful memories she left behind.
No farewell words were spoken,
No time to say goodbye,
You were gone before we knew it,
And only God can tell us why.
It only takes a little space,
To write how much we miss you,
But it will take the rest of our lives,
To forget the way we lost you.
It broke my heart to lose you,
But you didn't go alone,
For part of me went with you,
The day God called you home.
Oh how we wish she was here today,
To see all the blessings we have,
Yet somehow you know that she is,
Guiding us on our paths.
Those we love don't go away,
They walk beside us every day,
Unseen, unheard, but always near,
Still loved, still missed, and very dear.
Peacefully sleeping, resting at last,
His weary trials and troubles past,
In silence he suffered, in patience he bore,
Till God called him home to suffer no more.
Although we smile and make no fuss,
No one misses him more than us;
And when old times we oft recall,
That's when we miss him most of all.
Keep her Jesus, in Thy keeping,
Until I reach that golden shore,
Then dear Saviour let me have her,
And love her as I did before.
Every tear is a prism through which I see,
A rainbow of emotions and memories,
Though fate has led you to another place,
True moments hold meaning time can never erase.
His life earnest, his actions kind,
A willing hand, an active mind,
Anxious to please, loath to offend,
A loving brother and faithful friend.
Thinking of the thoughtful things,
That you have said and done,
And loving you a little more,
Dear ...... , for every one.
We can't have old days back,
When we were all together,
But secret tears and loving thoughts,
Will be with us forever.
He walks with us down quiet paths,
And speaks in wind and rain,
For the magic power of memory,
Gives him back to us again.
The years may wipe out many things,
But this they'll wipe out never,
The memory of those happy days,
Which we have spent together.
(Number of) years ago you were called home,
Our thoughts are ever of you,
You are dearly loved and sadly missed,
God willing, we will meet again.
Dear mother (father) you are not forgotten,
Though on earth you are no more,
Still in memory you are with us,
As you always were before.
To me, her (his) name will ever be,
The key that unlocks memory,
Of a dear one gone, but cherished yet,
A beloved face I'll never forget.
Thank you for loving and sharing,
For giving and for caring,
God bless you and keep you,
Until we meet again.
Although you can't be here with me,
We're truly not apart,
Until the final breath I take,
You'll be living in my heart.
My heart still aches in sadness,
My silent tears still flow,
For what it meant to lose you .. (Name) ..
No one will ever know.
Treasured thoughts of one so dear,
Often bring a silent tear,
Thoughts of scenes long past,
Years roll on but memories last.
One thing we'll always cherish,
No matter what life sends,
A memory of the happiness,
Just being friends.
In our hearts your memory lingers,
Sweetly tender, fond and true,
There is not a day, dear Mother (Father),
That we do not think of you.
If we could have one lifetime wish,
One dream that could come true,
We'd ask with all our hearts,
For yesterday and you.
Sweet memories will linger forever,
Time cannot change them it's true,
Years that may come cannot sever,
Our loving remembrance of you.
Wonderful memories woven in gold,
This is a picture I tenderly hold,
Deep in my heart, a memory is kept,
To love, to cherish, never to forget.
Softly the leaves of memory fall.
Gently we gather, treasure them all,
Some may forget now that you are gone.
We will remember no matter how long.
Sunshine passes, shadows fall,
Love's remembrance outlasts all,
Though years be many or few,
All are filled with remembrance.
Your touch, your smile,
Was always so tender,
Today, tomorrow,
We will always remember.
So much has changed since you've been gone,
Through ups and downs our lives move on,
But as time rolls by one thing remains true, 1
We'll always have memories of you.
I did not see you close your eyes,
Or hear your last faint sigh,
I only heard that you were gone,
Too late to say goodbye.
A silent thought, a secret tear,
Keeps his memory ever dear.
Time eases the edge of grief,
Memory turns back every leaf.
Just a thought of sweet remembrance,
Just a memory, sad and true;
Just the love and sweet devotion,
Of the one who thinks of you.
Heavy are our hearts today,
Memory brings you back once more,
To the time you were with us,
To the happy days of yore.
No space of time, no lapse of years,
Can dim the treasured past.
A loving memory keeps it dear,
Affection holds it fast.
Gone from us, but leaving memories,
Death can never take away,
Memories that will always linger,
While upon this earth we stay.
God grant us serenity to accept
Things we can not change;
Courage to change the things we can,
And wisdom to know the difference.
Only a memory of bygone days,
And a sigh for a face unseen;
A constant feeling that God alone,
Knows what should have been.
From our happy home and circle,
God has taken one we love;
Borne away from sin and sorrow,
To a better land above.
Within our store of memories,
He holds a place apart,
For no one else can ever be,
More cherished in our hearts.
We miss you in so many ways,
We miss things you used to say,
And when old times we do recall,
It's then we miss you most of all.
One by one they go before us,
They are fading like the dew,
I know they are waiting for us,
All the old gang and you.
If tear drops could build a stairway
And memory a lane,
We'd walk the long road to reach,
And bring him home again.
Loved with a love beyond all telling,
Missed with a grief beyond all tears,
To the world he was just one,
To us he was all the world.
An understanding heart,
An intelligent mind,
We miss you Dad,
You were one of a kind.
Your smile has gone forever,
And your hand we cannot touch,
We have so many memories,
Of you, Dad, we loved so much.
His portrait in its silver frame,
The ravages of time may dim,
In our hearts he's still the same,
We hold bright memories of him.
Nothing can ever take away,
The love a heart holds dear;
Fond memories linger every day,
Remembrance keeps him near.
Tenderly we treasure the past,
Memories that will always last;
When we cease to think of you,
Will be when God has called us too.
As angels keep their watch up there,
Please, God, let him know,
That I down here, do not forget,
I loved him and miss him so.
We mention your name,
And speak of you often,
God bless you dear mother,
You are not forgotten.
Always willing to help others,
When herself should be at rest,
She was the kindest of all Mothers,
Now amongst the Heavenly blest.
No hand so soft and gentle
No heart so tender, true
No sorrow life could bring us
To equal losing you.
Till roses lose their petals,
Till the heather has lost its dew,
Till the end of time, dear Mother,
We will remember you.
Because in her life she was saintly,
Because in her heart she was pure,
Her reward we are sure must be Heaven,
And our grief we must try to endure.
They say memories are golden,
Well, maybe that is true,
But we never wanted memories,
We only wanted you.
You are not forgotten, sister,
Nor ever will you be,
As long as life and memory lasts,
We will remember thee.
You were a loving husband,
A pal so good and true;
A better husband never lived,
Your equals are but few.
Looking back with memories,
Upon the path you trod,
We bless the hours we had with you,
And leave the rest with God.
Life seemed so mean too much before,
It's not important anymore,
The strength to face the daily tasks,
Till I am with you is all I ask.
Our thoughts are ever with you,
Though you have passed away;
And those who loved you dearly,
Are thinking of you today.
It's lonely here without you,
We miss you more each day,
For life is not the same to us,
Since you were called away.
Silently we grieve,
And brush away our tears,
The memories he left behind,
Will last throughout the years.
Some day we hope to meet again,
Some day, we now not when,
To clasp his hand in a better land,
Never to part again.
I cannot halt the hand of time,
Or live again the past,
Within my heart are memories,
That will forever last.
As time unfolds another year,
Memories keep you ever near,
Silent thoughts of time together,
Hold memories that will last forever.
His weary hours and days of pain,
His troubled nights are past,
In our aching hearts we know,
He has found sweet rest at last.
Those we love we never lose,
For always they will be,
Loved, remembered, treasured,
Always in our memory.
A few more steps along life's road,
Perhaps a few more years,
Then by God's grace we'll meet again,
Beyond the vale of tears.
Wonderful memories of one so dear,
Treasured still with a love sincere;
In our hearts she is living yet,
We loved her too dearly to forget.
I have lost my soul's companion,
A life linked with my own,
And day by day I miss her more,
As I walk through life alone.
When ties of love are broken,
And loved ones have to part,
It leaves a wound that never heals,
In ever-aching heart.
As I journey toward life's sunset,
Mourning her who went before,
Faith assures me, I'll be with her,
When I reach the other shore.
Deep in the heart lies a picture,
Of a loved one laid to rest;
Memory's frame we keep it,
Because she was one of the best.
My lips cannot tell how I miss her,
My heart cannot tell what to say,
God alone knows how I miss her,
In a home that is lonesome today.
We long for household voices gone,
For vanished smiles we long,
God has taken our loved one on,
And He can do no wrong.
God knows how much I miss her,
Never shall her memory fade,
Loving thoughts shall ever wander,
To the spot where she is laid.
O blessed little sunbeam,
O child of love and prayer,
We give thee to the keeping,
Of the tender Shepherd's care.
Two little hands are resting,
A little heart is still,
A little son we loved is waiting,
For us just over the hill.
A little lamb too sweet and pure,
Upon the earth to roam,
An angel came so silently,
And took our dear child home.
She was only a little white rose,
A sweet little flower from birth;
God took her home to heaven,
Before she was soiled on earth.
Another sweet flower has withered,
A gem from the casket set free;
A lamb in the fold of the Shepherd,
Who said; Let them come unto Me.
The memory of his dear wee ways,
Will linger with us all our days;
Sweetest flower, too sweet to stay,
God took him home to show the way.
We miss her love and cheery ways,
With her we spent our happiest days,
In memory we see her the same,
As long as we live, we'll cherish her name.
Loving memories we will never forget,
Sadly missed along life's way,
With silent thought and deep regret,
We think of you every day,
No longer in our life to share,
But in our hearts he's always there.
Gone are the days we used to share,
But in our hearts you are always there,
The gates of memory will never close,
We miss you more than anyone knows,
With tender love and deep regret,
We who love you will never forget.
God knows how much I miss you,
Never shall your memory fade,
Loving thoughts shall ever wander,
To the spot where you are laid.
Though absent you are ever near,
Still missed and loved, always dear.
It's hard to believe
You are no longer here,
We think of you,
You feel so near,
In some small way, every single day,
Memories of you come our way.
A page in the book of memory,
Silently turns today.
We remember you in silence,
And make no outward show.
And what it meant to lose you,
No one will ever know.
His day is remembered and quietly kept,
No words are needed, we shall never forget,
For those we love don't go away,
They walk beside us every day.
Unseen and unheard, but always near,
So loved, so missed, and so very dear.
Sad was the parting, no one can tell,
So sudden on earth the sorrow fell;
The blow was hard, the shock severe,
To part with one I loved so dear.
Dearer still as years depart
Her memory lives within my heart.
Gone is the face we loved so dear
Silent is the face we loved to hear.
Too far away for sight or speech,
But not too far for thought to reach,
Sweet to remember him once here,
Who, though absent, is just as dear.
In all the world we shall not find
A heart so wonderfully kind,
So soft a voice, so sweet a smile,
Inspiration worthwhile;
A sympathy so sure, so deep
A love so beautiful to keep.
Months have grown day by day,
It's now a year since she went away,
Thoughts are full and hearts do weigh,
Without her here to share the way,
Time may dull the hand of fate,
Memory forever recalls the date.